Northann is actively combating climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions through energy-efficient technologies and cleaner fuels.
  • The company prioritizes environmental stewardship, refraining from operating facilities in or directly beside any Key Biodiversity Areas, and expanding green initiatives such as our Blue11 product line made from 80% reclaimed Ocean Bound Plastic.
  • Recognizing the importance of freshwater availability, Northann's manufacturing processes are designed to reduce water consumption, targeting facilities in areas defined as high water risk by the WRI Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas.
  • Target: +20% Improvement by 2040

Northann achieved zero work-related injuries or fatalities in 2022, a direct result of a company-wide commitment to employee health and safety.
  • The management prioritizes workplace equity and inclusivity, centering diversity in the hiring process while offering competitive compensation and upward mobility at all levels of employment.
  • Northann continues to invest in its workforce's future skills with various training programs.
  • Target: +30% Improvement by 2040

Our mission is to create shared value through sustainable technological innovation, guided by an experienced board of directors.
  • The company maintains a robust risk management system and has established a Whistleblower Policy to promote transparency and accountability.
  • Zero-tolerance approach towards corruption, bribery, and unethical practices.